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Title: Friends or Enemies? Spanish Captives in France, 1809-1814
Authors: Zozaya-Montes, Maria
Keywords: Image of the Other (Etic category)
Napoleonic Wars
Civil alliances
Decostructing collective images
Common stereotypes
Issue Date: Jul-2012
Citation: Zozaya, María, “Friends or Enemies? Spanish Captives in France, 1809-1814″. Section: Belligerents: The Image of the other in 1812, Tenth Congress of the International Napoleonic Society, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 9-12 July 2012.
Abstract: The Napoleonic wars in certain countries have created common stereotypes. Predominantly, that one between the Spanish and French Nation has spread an image of absolute enmity of the French. If we study some examples deeply, particularly that of the elite prisoners who went to the next door country, we see how that hostility images are very different of the general image which is predominant on the official History.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:CIDEHUS - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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INS_ZozayaMontes_DeconstructingEnemy (1).pdfThe begginning of the conference31.97 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
Moscow ProgramInternationalNapoleonicSocietyConference2012 5.05.pdfThe program with my two interventions, one was recorded in the video (link attached)48.25 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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