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Title: Enhancing critical thinking: Exploring the impact of blended learning on veterinary medicine students
Authors: Payan-Carreira, R.
Sacau, A.
Ferreira, D.
Rebelo, H.
Sebastião, L.
Keywords: Critical Thinking
blended learning
veterinary medicine
Issue Date: Jun-2024
Publisher: Frontiers
Citation: Payan-Carreira, R., Sacau, A., Ferreira, D., Rebelo, H., Sebastião, H. (2024) Enhancing critical thinking: Exploring the impact of blended learning on veterinary medicine students, Proceedings of the VII Congreso español y I hispano-portugués de docencia Veterinaria, Frontiers, june 5-7, Cáceres, Spain, 321-325. ISBN: 9782832512494. 10.3389/978-2-8325-1249-4
Abstract: The Think4Jobs Project, available at, aimed to introduce blended curricula focusing on critical thinking (CT) into apprenticeships and courses, and to evaluate the resulting changes in CT skills and dispositions (Rebelo et al., 2023). This initiative targeted the enhancement of critical thinking alongside the core knowledge proposed for the courses. In the academic year 2022/23, three courses underwent pilot testing with CT-blended curricula: Imaging (5th semester), Deontology (7th semester), and Gynecology and Obstetrics (8th semester). No sobreposition existed between students engaged in these courses.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:MED - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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