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Browsing by Author Oliveira, Rafael

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2019CHILD LABOR: REALITY IN POTTERIES IN THE RIVER AJUAÍ COMMUNITY (PARÁ, BRAZIL)Filgueiras, Tainara; Filgueiras, Tainã; Miranda, Claúdia; Oliveira, Rafael; Costa, Rodrigo; Veiga, Nelson; Filho, José Brito; Corsini, Flávio; Bonito, Jorge
6-Jun-2024Effects of a 16-week High-Speed Resistance Training program on body composition in community-dwelling independent older adults: A clinical trialMartins, Alexandre; Brito, João; Fernandes, Orlando; Oliveira, Rafael; Gonçalves, Bruno; Batalha, Nuno
2022Effects of exercise programs on phase angle in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysisMartins, Alexandre; Fernandes, Orlando; Oliveira, Rafael; Raimundo, Armando; Brito, João
2020Effects of Knowing the Task’s Duration on Soccer Players’ Positioning and Pacing Behaviour during Small-Sided GamesFerraz, Ricardo; Gonçalves, Bruno; Coutinho, Diogo; Oliveira, Rafael; Travassos, Bruno; Sampaio, Jaime; Marques, Mário
23-Jun-2023Phase angle as a key marker of muscular and bone quality in community- dwelling independent older adults: A cross-sectional exploratory pilot studyMartins, Alexandre; Brito, João; Batalha, Nuno; Oliveira, Rafael; Parraca, José; Fernandes, Orlando
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5


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