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Title: Effects of a 16-week High-Speed Resistance Training program on body composition in community-dwelling independent older adults: A clinical trial
Authors: Martins, Alexandre
Brito, João
Fernandes, Orlando
Oliveira, Rafael
Gonçalves, Bruno
Batalha, Nuno
Keywords: Resistance training
Strength training
Muscle contraction
Body composition
Issue Date: 6-Jun-2024
Publisher: Clinical Nutrition ESPEN
Citation: Duarte Martins, A., Paulo Brito, J., Fernandes, O., Oliveira, R., Gonçalves, B., & Batalha, N. (2024). Effects of a 16-week High-Speed Resistance Training program on body composition in community-dwelling independent older adults: A clinical trial. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 63, 84–91.
Abstract: Background & aims: Aging frequently causes changes in body composition, such as a loss of strength and muscular mass and an increase in fat mass. Exercise training programs have been suggested as effective strategies to mitigate or prevent age-related declines in body composition. Therefore, this study exam- ined the effects of a sixteen-week High-Speed Resistance Training (HSRT) program on body composition parameters in community-dwelling independent older adults. Methods: The present clinical trial included 79 older adults, who were divided into two groups: inter- vention group (IG, N¼ 40, age, 68.50 ± 3.54 years; weight, 68.65 ± 11.36 kg) and control group (CG, N¼ 39, age, 72.08 ± 5.89 years; weight, 67.04 ± 10.69 kg). IG performed the supervised HSRT for 16 weeks, with 3 sessions per week of 60e70min, each session of 5e6 exercises, 2e3 sets, and 6e10 reps/ exercise, while CG did not perform any exercise training program. Body composition parameters were assessed using a multifrequency tetrapolar bioelectrical impedance analyzer (InBody® S10). The level of physical activity and the dietary intake were evaluated by the International Physical Activity Question- naire (IPAQ-SF) and the Food Frequency Questionnaire, respectively. Statistical analyses were performed using the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), and effect size (Cohen's dunbiased). Results: The analysis showed signi cant effects of the group factor for IG on phase angle (F(1)¼ 14.39, p < 0.001, h2 p ¼ 0.159). Additionally, results from D changes (post-minus pre-values) revealed small and medium effects in favor to IG for body cell mass (t(77)¼ 1.21, p¼ 0.230, dunb¼ 0.27 [-0.17, 0.71]) and phase angle (t(77)¼ 2.82, p¼ 0.006, dunb¼ 0.63 [0.18, 1.08]), respectively. Conclusions: The HSRT could effectively prevent the decline in cellular health and cell integrity in older adults, as evidenced by the signi cant improvements in the phase angle.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CHRC - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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