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Browsing by Author Loupa-Ramos, Isabel

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2021Are biodiversity perception and attitudes context dependent? A comparative study using a mixed-method approachBernardo, Fátima; Loupa-Ramos, Isabel; Carvalheiro, Joana
2024Contributions to the integration of socio-cultural landscape assessment methods in the learning processFigueiredo, Ligia Vaz de; Loupa-Ramos, Isabel; Saraiva, Maria da Graça; Bernardo, Fátima
25-May-2021Ecologia da Paisagem em Portugal e no BrasilBoscolo, Danilo; Loupa-Ramos, Isabel; Castro-Rego, Francisco; Guiomar, Nuno; Ciochetti, Giordano; Firmino, Ana; Pinto-Correia, Teresa; Carvalho-Ribeiro, Sónia
2013Exercising Landscape Character Assessment: Providing Context for Involving StakeholdersLoupa-Ramos, Isabel; Menezes, Helena; Pinto-Correia, Teresa
2023Green spaces over a roof or on the ground, does it matter? The perception of ecosystem services and potential restorative effectsMatos Silva, Cristina; Bernardo, Fátima; Manso, Maria; Loupa-Ramos, Isabel
2023How to capture place identity contents? A tool for planning interventionsBernardo, Fátima; Loupa-Ramos, Isabel; Coelho, Rosa
2024Students Breaking Barriers: Workshops as Brokers in Riverfront Collaboration and DesignPinto, Pedro; Kondolf, Marc; Loupa-Ramos, Isabel; Bernardo, Fátima
30-Aug-2021The complexity and inconsistencies of public policiesMuñoz-Rojas, José; Guzmán-Álvarez, José Ramón; Loupa-Ramos, Isabel
2021The Restorative Effect of the Presence of Greenery on the Classroom in Children’s Cognitive PerformanceBernardo, Fátima; Loupa-Ramos, Isabel; Matos Silva, Cristina; Manso, Maria
19-Mar-2019What matters to people? Exploring contents of landscape identity at the local scaleLoupa-Ramos, Isabel; Bianchi, Paulo; Bernardo, Fátima; Van Eetvelde, Veerle
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10


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