Generalized maximum entropy allocation costs joint costs Alentejo FADN data base
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Indian Econometric Society
Fragoso, R.M.S., Carvalho, M.L.S. (2012)Estimation of joint costs allocation coefficients using the maximum antropy: A case of Mediterranean Farms.
This paper aims to estimate the farm joint costs allocation coefficients from whole
farm input costs. An entropy approach was developed under a Tobit formulation
and it was applied to a sample of farms from the 2004 Farm Accounting Data
Network base for the Alentejo region, Southern Portugal. Five alternative model
specifications respecting error bounds, the central value of the uniform prior
support and the generalized cross entropy were tested. Model results were
assessed in terms of their precision and estimation power and were compared
with real data. The entropy estimation showed a high degree of precision and its
practical validity was guaranteed to allocate joint costs, even in the specific
context of Mediterranean farms.