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Title: A Quantification of the Rhythmic Qualities of Salience and Kinesis
Authors: Lopes, Eduardo
Gonçalves, André
Editors: Cavagnetto, Stefano
Keywords: Música
Issue Date: Aug-2013
Publisher: Versita
Citation: “A QUANTIFICATION OF THE RHYTHMIC QUALITIES OF SALIENCE AND KINESIS”, Cris - Bulletin of the Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Study, Vol. 2013, Issue 1, August 2013, 115–127.
Abstract: From a cognitive point of view, it is easily perceived that some music rhythmic structures are able to create saliences (i.e. pulses perceived as louder). Depending where in a metrical grid these salient pulses are located, a sense of stability or instability will arise. When instability is present in a rhythmic structure one will tend to psychological feel kinesis (i.e. a sense of motion). Salience and kinesis can then be identified as basic rhythmic qualities. Inspired by the theoretical construct Just in Time - an empirical based music theoretical construct for the analysis of rhythm - we decided to quantify some of its analytical output; more specifically the measure of salience and kinesis of a rhythmic sequence. We then developed a web-based tool that calculates the amount of salience and kinesis for a particular rhythmic sequence. We conclude this article pointing how this tool can be used in analysis and music education as well as other possible applications, and future research.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:UnIMeM - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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