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Title: Political leadership change: A theoretical assessment using a human capital “learning by doing” model
Authors: Sousa, Miguel Rocha de
Keywords: Arrow’s model
Human capital
Learning by doing (LBD)
Political leadership
Rotation of leaders
Time to recover from political leadership change
Issue Date: 2010
Citation: Sousa, Miguel R.(2010), Political leadership change: A theoretical assessment using a human capital “learning by doing” model, Documento de Trabalho nº 2010/05, Universidade de Évora, Departamento de Economia.
Abstract: We present an economic growth model with human capital, based upon Arrow (1962), in which we assess the impact of political leadership change either in governments or political parties. The change of leadership might be seen as a change in embedded human capital, and thus we might evaluate the loss or gain for society due to these political activities. The approach is theoretical using Arrowian economic setting. We formulate the conditions in which it is worth it, or how long does it take to recover from a political leadership change. The embedded process is an economic one, known as “learning by doing”, but this time applied to political processes.
Type: workingPaper
Appears in Collections:ECN - Working Papers (RePEc)

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