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Title: Governo Electrónico Local: Acção Colectiva e Políticas Públicas dos Municípios do Distrito de Évora (Portugal)
Authors: Saragoça, José
Silva, Carlos
Fialho, Joaquim
Editors: Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia
Keywords: governo electrónico local
políticas públicas
estratégia de actores
análise de redes sociais
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia
Abstract: This communication focuses on explaining the logic of collective action developed by municipalities in the district of Évora in the field of Local e-Government. Taking the backdrop of the axes of the sociology of action, we questioned the dynamic processes of public policies in the area of e-government site in the District of Évora. Through a prospective methodology (La Prospective) complemented with the use of techniques of social network analysis, we made explicit the system of e-government site (e-Local Government) in the District of Évora, we analysed the strategy of actors, and we anticipated possible futures for the Local e-Government. The main findings suggest that: a) the structures of collective action identified are producing order, in a way incompatible with the game of mere structural configuration pre-existing digital development of the region, b) the dependency relationships and influence and trend scenario results of a commitment to change on the part of key actors anchored in a bifurcation of its rationality that opposes the utilitarian logic of Local e-Government and subjective rationality of the actors c) citizen participation through new technologies (e-Participation) is a challenge discursively assumed by the actors, but they have no match for concrete and effective strategic actions in terms of public policy.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:SOC - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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