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Title: Determinants and Projections of Demand for Higher Education in Portugal
Authors: Vieira, Carlos
Vieira, Isabel
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Ternopil National Economic University
Citation: VIEIRA, C. and VIEIRA, I. (2012) Determinants and Projections of Demand for Higher Education in Portugal, Journal of European Economy, vol. 11, Special Issue, ISSN: 0391-5115, pp. 476-495.
Abstract: This paper formulates a model of demand for higher education in Portugal considering a wide range of demographic, economic, social and institutional explanatory variables. The estimation results suggest that the number of applicants reacts positively to demographic trends, graduation rates at secondary education, female participation, compulsory schooling and the recent Bologna process. Demand reacts negatively to the existence of tuition fees and to unemployment rates. Within an adverse demographic and economic context, forecasts of demand for the next two decades suggest the need to increase participation rates, to avoid funding problems in the higher education system and increase long-term economic development prospects.
ISSN: 0391-5115
Type: article
Appears in Collections:ECN - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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