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Title: The World Exhibitions and the display of science, technology and culture: moving boundaries
Authors: Matos, Ana Cardoso de
Christiane, Demeulenaere-Douyère
Souto, Maria Helena
Keywords: Exposições Universais
Trasnferência de Técnicas
Mobilidade de experts
Issue Date: 2012
Citation: Ana Cardoso de Matos, Christiane Demeulenaere-Douyère e Maria Helena Souto, “The World Exhibitions and the display of science, technology and culture: moving boundaries” in Quaderns d'Història de l'Enginyeria, vol 12, 2012, pp.3-10
Abstract: From the moment the first World Exhibition was held in London, in 1851, these events have served as “windows” to scientific, technological and industrial progress, allowing the circulation and the disclosure of this change, either directly to visitors or through media publications worldwide. Under the realisation of these world events, which attracted many travellers, exhibitions enabled the parallel organisation of international conferences and congresses of professionals both in science and in industry, engineering and architecture.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CIDEHUS - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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