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Title: Sismicidade e sismotectónica dos Açores: implicações geodinâmicas
Authors: Borges, J.F.
Caldeira, B.
Bezzeghoud, M.
Buforn, E.
Editors: Sousa Oliveira, C.
Costa, A.
Nunes, J.C.
Keywords: Sismicidade
Issue Date: Jul-2008
Citation: Borges, J. F., Caldeira B., Bezzeghoud M. e E. Buforn, 2008. Seismicity and Seismotectonics of Azores: Geodynamic Implications, Ch. 6, 99-110, in a Oliveira C. S., Costa A. and J. C. Nunes (Eds.), A Book on the 1998 Azores earthquake - 10 years after it's occurrence, ISBN 978.989-20-1223-0, 741p.
Abstract: In the last third six years various research works have been produced to study the earthquake mecha- nism of events M equal or greater than 6, in order to characterize the geodynamic complexity. In this work we summarize these studies and present their main conclusions. The analysis of focal mechanisms indicates evidences of two zones with different pat- terns of movement and rates of deformation. In zone I, between longitude 30oW and 27oW, most current situations are left strike slip with horizontal E-W compression axis and N-S traction, with deforma- tion rate of 6.7mm/yr. In zone II, between longitude 27oW and 23oW, the seismic tensor indicates a normal mechanism with horizontal NE-SW traction axis and a deformation rate of 3.1 mm/yr.
ISBN: 978.989-20-1223-0
Type: article
Appears in Collections:FIS - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica
CGE - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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