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Title: A conceptual framework for higher education institutions and the circular economy
Authors: Gaspar, Marcelo Gaspar
Mateus, Dina
Galacho, Cristina
Dinis, Maria
Teixeira, Margarida
Viegas, Laura
Pardal, Ana
Manteigas, Vítor
Moreira, Anabela
Keywords: Circular Economy
Higher Education
Sustainable Campus Network
Issue Date: Mar-2025
Publisher: Universidade de Aveiro
Abstract: The need to investigate the knowledge and participation of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) students in sustainability issues is crucial. The working group on Circular Economy and Waste Management from the Portuguese Sustainable Campus Network (RCS) is dedicated to investigating the attitudes and comprehension of HEIs students about the principles and practices of the Circular Economy (CE). This group intends to propose a conceptual framework for collecting data from students at various HEIs to contribute to the understanding of how these institutions adopt and implement CE principles, which significantly influence student perceptions and attitudes.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:HERCULES - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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