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Title: Empowering Cancer Patients with Self-Care and Pain Management Skills: A Quasi-Experimental Study
Authors: Bico, I.
Afonso, A.
Sousa, L.
Bule, J.
Lopes, M. J.
Keywords: Adult
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Pain Management Nursing
Citation: Bico, I., Afonso, A., Sousa, L., Bule, M. J., & Lopes, M. J. (2024). Empowering Cancer Patients with Self-Care and Pain Management Skills: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Pain Management Nursing, 25(4), 369–376.
Abstract: Cancer patients experience distress as a result of their health condition, which, in turn, contributes to the progression of the disease. Moreover, their daily activities, well-being, and health status are significantly impacted by pain and other symptoms. In this context, empowering these patients with self-care and pain management skills can greatly contribute to effective symptom control. Aim: To develop and implement an educational approach focused on empowering family caregivers and patients with advanced cancer in effectively managing pain at home. Method: An educational program, PECP/C-Pain Management, was developed to empower family caregivers and cancer patients to manage pain at home. A quasi-experimental study involving 52 participants with advanced cancer was conducted to test the program. Participants’ skills, behaviors, and knowledge related to self-care and pain management were assessed before and after the intervention using an appropriate instrument, the Pain Management Knowledge and Behavior Scale. Results: Pain was reported as the primary symptom, and following the educational program, participants were able to monitor pain and other symptoms and effectively self-manage their treatment. Conclusions: The findings suggest that the PECP/C-Pain Management intervention was effective in improving participants’ knowledge and skills in managing pain, leading to better symptom control. In addition, the Pain Management Knowledge and Behavior Scale is a reliable tool for measuring the outcomes of this intervention.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CHRC - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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