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Title: Thermochemical Conversion Products for Solid Biofuels
Authors: Castanheiro, José
Cansado, Isabel
mourao, paulo
Editors: Inamuddin
Altalhi, Tariq
Keywords: Biofuels
renewable raw material
solid biofuels
Issue Date: 7-Aug-2024
Publisher: wiley
Citation: J.E. Castanheiro*, P.A Mourão, I. Cansado, “Thermochemical Conversion Products for Solid Biofuels”, pp 473 – 486, Chapter 18, in Solid-Gaseous Biofuels Production, Inamuddin (Eds.), Wiley-Scrivener Publisher, 2024, ISBN: 978-139420481-6,
Abstract: Due to the environmental problems, which are associated with the increase of the emissions of gases with the greenhouse effect (CO2, SO2, and NOx), a climatic change, proven by the increase of the Earth Planet temperature, is observed. It is imperative to replace fossil sources, such as natural gas, coal, and petroleum, with renewable raw material for the production of biofuels. Biofuels can be solid, liquid, and gas fuels. Solid biofuels include firewood, wood chips, wood pellets, charcoal, biowaste, sewage sludge, and a diversity of residues from agricultural activities. Bioethanol, biodiesel, and pyrolysis bio-oil are classified as liquid biofuels. Biogas and syngas are considered gas biofuels. This chapter includes a review of the different processes to produce solid biofuels.
ISBN: 978-139420481-6
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:QUI - Publicações - Capítulos de Livros

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