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Title: The populist far right and the intersection of anti-immigration and antifeminist agendas: the Portuguese case
Authors: Santos, Rita
Roque, Sílvia
Keywords: gender ideology
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: DiGeSt-Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies
Citation: Santos, Rita; Roque, Sílvia (2021) "The populist far right and the intersection of anti-immigration and antifeminist agendas: the Portuguese case" DiGeSt -Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies
Abstract: This article argues that far right antifeminist and gendered narratives are not separate from their ethnonationalist/racist purposes; in fact, they are at their core and cannot be analyzed independently. It reflects on the intersections of antifeminist and anti-immigration agendas in the Portuguese far right by critically analyzing PNR/Ergue-te’s and Chega’s discursive positions on immigration, feminism, and gender equality, and initiates a theoretical dialogue between feminist postcolonial peace and security studies and populist far-right studies. This shows how these political actors convey ethnonationalist, racist and anti-multiculturalist messages by co-opting women’s rights agendas (femonationalism), whilst resisting and opposing feminism. Femonationalism, ostensibly disruptive of their own conservative ideology, is thus re-oriented to attack feminism – accused of failing the goal of serving all women and of being co-opted by ‘gender ideology’. It concludes that the mobilization of gendered and racialized tropes serves the construction of Europe and Portugal as being at risk from ‘external’ forces, re-inscribing securitarian discourses in the political sphere.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:ECN - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Nacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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