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Title: Catalytic Membranes for Water Pollution
Authors: Castanheiro, José
Cansado, Isabel
mourao, paulo
Lopes, Maria Elmina
Editors: Inamuddin
Altalhi, Tariq
Alrooqi, Arwa
Keywords: Catalytic membrane
Membrane reactors
Water treatment
Issue Date: 25-Mar-2024
Publisher: wiley
Citation: J.E. Castanheiro*, P.A Mourão, I. Cansado, M.E. Lopes, “Membrane reactors for water pollution” in Handbook of Water Pollution, Inamuddin (Eds.), Wiley-Scrivener Publisher, 2024.
Abstract: Knowledge of membrane reactors (MRs) has increased since the 1990s. Membrane reactors can combine the catalytic reaction with the separation step in a single unit. This technology can be applied in different processes, like the chemical and petrochemical industry, energy production, wastewater treatment and biotechnology. Membrane reactors have some advantages, such as the energy consumption is lower, and the volume occupied is also lower. This chapter reviews catalytic membrane for water treatment.
ISBN: 9781119904809
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:QUI - Publicações - Capítulos de Livros

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