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Title: Towards the incorporation of hydrogeochemistry into the modelling of permafrost environments: a review of recent recommendations, considerations, and literature
Authors: Caitlin M., Lapalme
Christopher, Spence
Diogo, Costa
Barrie R., Bonsal
Jordan, Musetta-Lambert
Yalda, Fazli
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Canadian Science Publishing
Citation: Caitlin M. Lapalme, Christopher Spence, Diogo Costa, Barrie R. Bonsal, Jordan Musetta-Lambert, and Yalda Fazli. 2023. Towards the incorporation of hydrogeochemistry into the modelling of permafrost environments: a review of recent recommendations, considerations, and literature. Arctic Science. 9(4): 750-768.
Abstract: This study is a meta-analysis of recent global research articles on hydrogeochemical modelling of permafrost regions to determine trends and consensus on research gaps and future research directions. The hydrogeochemical response of permafrost to climate change remains challenging to estimate and forecast despite evidence of large-scale impacts on freshwater and ecological cycles. We investigate the feasibility, need, and potential for hydrogeochemical modelling of permafrost landscapes by reviewing recommendations from previous modelling, review, and primer papers, including discussing ways to advance this type of modelling science. Key permafrost hydrogeochemical processes are discussed, including heat transfer and associated freeze–thaw regimes, biogeochemical processes and rates, and surface and subsurface flow. Modelling considerations (i.e., model dimension, scale, heterogeneity, and permafrost zonation) and model parameters are subsequently examined. Finally, limitations and additional considerations for advancing permafrost hydrogeochemical modelling efforts are reviewed. The findings of this review are summarized in recommendations, tables, and two schematics incorporating key considerations for future hydrogeochemical modelling initiatives in permafrost environments.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:GEO - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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