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Title: Pharmacovigilance teaching and learning: a mixed cross-sectional analysis of the Portuguese public higher education system
Authors: Perdigão, M.
Afonso, A.
Oliveira-Martins, S.
Lopes, M. J.
Advinha, A. M.
Keywords: Pharmacovigilance
pharmacovigilance in healthcare
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: BMC Medical Education
Citation: Perdigão, M., Afonso, A., de Oliveira-Martins, S., Lopes, M. J., & Advinha, A. M. (2024). Pharmacovigilance teaching and learning: a mixed cross-sectional analysis of the Portuguese public higher education system. BMC Medical Education, 24(1).
Abstract: Pharmacovigilance stands out for its importance in obtaining existing knowledge about medicine and patient safety and should be recognized as a continuous line of study. It constitutes a highly relevant component in the activities of health professionals, with spontaneous notification of suspected adverse drug reactions being its main emphasis. The underreporting that persists can be overcome through continuous professional development programs, reinforcing theoretical and practical knowledge in the curricular plans of health courses. As a result, more educated professionals will also allow citizens to recognize the importance of pharmacovigilance. The main objective of this study was to describe and characterize the teaching-learning process of pharmacovigilance in Portugal, analyzing the knowledge, perceptions and attitudes of students and health professionals. In total, ninety-three curricular unit forms of the seventeen healthcare courses included were analyzed, among which only three referred to pharmacovigilance as mandatory and thirty-nine did not address any keywords. The questionnaire applied was answered by 650 participants, both students (62%) and professionals (38%). Approximately 84.4% of the students and 54.7% of the professionals affirmed that they had never spontaneously reported an adverse drug reaction. Only 24.6% of the students and 17.8% of professionals referred to the existence of specific course content dedicated to pharmacovigilance in their coursework. In view of these results, it is evident that there is a need for a wider reflection regarding the further training and constant update of practicing professionals as well as in diverse health institutions, investing in the creation of an academic curriculum that integrates pharmacovigilance in healthcare courses
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CHRC - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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