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Title: Simulated practice in the development of clinical reasoning in nursing students: A systematic review protocol
Authors: Rute, P.
Marques, M.
Oliveira, H.
Goes, M.
Pedrosa, M.
Lopes, M.
Keywords: Clinical competence
Clinical reasoning
Evidence-based education
Nursing education
Issue Date: 2025
Publisher: MethodsX
Citation: Pires, R., Marques, M., Oliveira, H., Goes, M., Pedrosa, M., & Lopes, M. (2025). Simulated practice in the development of clinical reasoning in nursing students: A systematic review protocol. MethodsX, 14.
Abstract: Simulated clinical practice is a pedagogical technique that replicates real-world scenarios in a controlled environment, enabling nursing students to engage in the teaching-learning process actively. While simulated practice is a growing pedagogical strategy, several studies have examined its strengths and limitations. However, evidence of its effectiveness in developing clinical reasoning skills among nursing students still needs to be improved. This systematic review aims to assess the benefits of simulated practice in enhancing the clinical reasoning skills of undergraduate nursing students. Methods: A systematic review will be conducted using three databases: CINAHL, MEDLINE, and PubMed. The search strategy will include MeSH terms "simulation," "nursing students," "nursing education," and "clinical reasoning." Inclusion criteria: Studies published within the last five years (2017–2022) involving undergraduate nursing students and using simulated practice as an intervention. Two independent reviewers will conduct Data extraction and synthesis, with disagreements resolved by a third reviewer, as follows: • Identify the benefits of simulated practice in clinical reasoning among nursing students. • Analyze studies that utilize simulated practice as an intervention. • Evaluate the effectiveness of simulated practice in developing clinical reasoning skills
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CHRC - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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