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Title: Are Crohn’s Disease Patients Limited in Sport Practise? An UltraEndurance Case–Control Study Response
Authors: Tornero-Aguilera, José Francisco
Sánchez-Molina, Joaquín
Parraca, Jose A.
Morais, Ana
Clemente-Suárez, Vicente Javier
Keywords: sport
autonomic modulation
Issue Date: 13-Aug-2022
Abstract: The aim of this study was to analyze the psychophysiological response of a Crohn’s Disease patient in an ultra-endurance event. The psychophysiological responses of a Crohn’s Disease and non- Crohn’s Disease participant were analysed before during and after an 8 h ultra-endurance running event. Results showed how Crohn’s patient presented a similar psychophysiological response than non-Crohn’s participant in the ultra-endurance event, except for a higher pre- and post-event sym- pathetic modulation, lower event sympathetic tone, and lower event body temperature. This study could contribute to improving physical activity recommendations for persons with Crohn’s Disease and open a new research line for an improved understanding of psychophysiological modifications of Crohn’s Disease patients during exercise.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:DES - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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