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Title: Knowledge and Consequences of Violence Against Health Professionals in Southern Portugal.
Authors: Zangão, M
Gemito, L
Serra, I
Cruz, D
Barros, M
Chora, M
Santos, C
Coelho, A
Alves, Elisabete
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Zangão, M., Gemito, L., Serra, I., Cruz, D., Barros, M., Chora, M., Santos, C., Coelho, A., Alves, E. "Knowledge and Consequences of Violence Against Health Professionals in Southern Portugal". Nursing Reports. 2024, 14(4), 3206-3219.
Abstract: Background: Violence against health professionals is a global and growing problem, with significant impacts on the quality of care and the mental health of workers. Objectives: To analyze the level of knowledge, reporting practices and consequences of violence against health professionals in the Alentejo region (southern Portugal). Methods: This was an observational, cross-sectional study involving 440 health professionals (doctors and nurses). Data were collected using an online platform and a structured questionnaire created specifically for this study. In the statistical analysis, the data were described as counts and proportions and the X2 test was used considering a significance level of 0.05. Results: This study reveals that violence against health professionals in the southern region of Portugal is a frequent problem (40%), with a higher incidence among nurses (80%). Despite awareness of the existence and functioning of reporting channels, reporting is low (52%). The main causes are related to the health system, professionals and users. The consequences include mental health problems and a reduction in the quality of care provided. Suggested measures to combat violence include improving security, training and punishing aggressors. Conclusions: This study reveals that violence against health professionals in the southern region of Portugal is a frequent, under-reported problem with serious consequences for professionals and the quality of care.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CHRC - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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