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Title: Avaliação do potencial dos maciços gabróicos do Alentejo para a carbonatação mineral de CO2
Authors: Pedro, Jorge
Carneiro, Júlio
Moita, Patricia
Berrezueta, Edgar
Araújo, Alexandre
Marques, Fábio
Pinho, Catarina
Caeiro, Helena
Keywords: InCarbon
carbonatação mineral
ensaios geoquímicos
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Universidade de Coimbra
Citation: J. Pedro, J. Carneiro, P. Moita, E. Berrezueta, A. Araújo, F. Marques, C. Pinho, H. Caeiro, 2023. Avaliação do potencial dos maciços gabróicos do Alentejo para a carbonatação mineral de CO2. Resumos do XI CNG 2023, Coimbra.
Abstract: The InCarbon project assessed the potential of gabbroic rocks for CO2 storage in alentejo. Lab carbonation experiments were carried out on gabbroic rocks from the Sines and Odivelas massifs. After gabbroic samples exposure to supercritical CO2-rich brine inside an autoclave, for 90 days, the XRD analysis reveals the presence of dolomite on sample surface, whereas the chemical mapping, by SEMEDS, suggest a spatial association between carbon and magnesium (magnesite?). Despite the small amounts of carbonate precipitation projected by the geochemical modelling (Crunch Flow software), this technology should be more investigate and not discarded for in situ or ex situ mineral carbonation for small CO2 emissions sources.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:ICT - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Nacionais

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