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Title: Physical Function, Self-Perceived Physical Fitness, Falls, Quality of Life and Degree of Disability According to Fear and Risk of Falling in Women with Fibromyalgia
Authors: Denche-Zamorano, Ángel
Pereira-Payo, Damián
Collado-Mateo, Daniel
Carmelo Adsuar-Sala, José
Tomas-Carus, Pablo
Alberto Parraca, Jose
Keywords: exercise
physical activity
Issue Date: 23-Sep-2024
Abstract: People with fibromyalgia (FM) experience a range of symptoms (chronic widespread pain, fatigue, mood disorder, sleep problems, muscle stiffness) that promote deterioration of physical condition and function. With impaired physical function, fear of falling and risk of falling increases. This study evaluated physical function, self-perceived physical fitness, falls, quality of life, and the degree of disability caused by FM according to fear and risk of falling in Spanish adult women with FM. Methods: Cross-sectional study involving 84 Spanish adult women with FM. Participants completed tests to assess their physical function and completed questionnaires to evaluate self-perceived physical fitness, falls, the disabling effect of FM, quality of life, fear of falling, and risk of falling. Nonparametric statistical tests were used to analyze possible intergroup differences (Mann–Whitney U test) and correlations between variables (Spearman’s Rho). Results: Women with a fear of falling and at risk of falling presented a worse performance in physical tests, worse self-perceived physical fitness, greater number of falls, lower quality of life, and greater degree of disability due to FM. Weak and moderate correlations were found for fear of falling and fall risk and the variables of interest. However, no intergroup differences were found, nor significant correlations in all variables. Conclusions: Women with FM who present fear of falling and risk of falling tend to have worse performance in physical function tests, in addition to worse self-perceived physical fitness, higher number of falls, poorer quality of life, and greater disabling effect of FM.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:DES - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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