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Title: Brain endurance training improves shot speed and accuracy in grassroots padel players
Authors: Díaz-García, Jesús
García-Calvo, Tomás
Manzano- Rodríguez, David
Ángel López-Gajardo, Miguel
Alberto Parraca, José
Ring, Christopher
Keywords: cognitive load
fatigue inoculation
psychomotor perfotmance
racket sport
Issue Date: 2-Jun-2023
Abstract: Objective: Evidence that mental fatigue impairs sport performance has created a demand for countermeasures. We examined the effects of Brain Endurance Training (BET), a form of fatigue-inoculation, on shot performance in grassroots padel players. Design: A pre-, mid- and post-test design, with participants randomized to BET (n = 30) or control (n = 31) training groups. Method: During testing, participants completed a Padel Stroke Performance Test, before and after a demanding 30-min cognitive task (Stroop). The Stroop task was performed on a computer while sitting. Training comprised 3 sessions per week for 6 weeks. In each training session, participants completed 10-min warm-up, 15-min technical drills, 15-min tactical drills, and 20-min simulated games. These physical activities were intermixed with short 4- min periods of seated Stroop (BET group) or rest (control group) totaling 20-min. Performance was measured by shot speed and accuracy of four core padel strokes. Multiple indices of mental fatigue were measured before and after the Stroop task using a visual analog-scale rating, a psychomotor vigilance task, and a go/no go task. Results: During testing, the 30-min Stroop task elicited a state of mental fatigue, confirmed by higher subjective ratings, slower responses during the psychomotor vigilance task, and slower saccade latencies during the go/no go task. Compared to pre-testing, in mid- and post-testing, the BET group hit progressively faster and more accurate padel shots after the Stroop task compared to controls. Conclusion: BET enhanced skill-based psychomotor performance when fatigued compared to standard padel training. BET is a countermeasure that promotes mental fatigue durability.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:DES - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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