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Title: Ler com o corpo, escrever na pele: um caso de blast over com literatura, ilustração, edição e tattoo dentro / Reading with the Body, Writing on the Skin: A Case of Blast over with Literature, Illustration, Editing and Tattoo inside
Authors: Pereira, Cláudia Sousa
Editors: Brait, Beth
Pistori, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori
Keywords: Artist’s Book
Literature and Youth
Illustration and Tattoo
Horror and Humor
Filipe Homem Fonseca
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: ”. Bakhtiniana 19 (3):e61283.
Citation: PEREIRA, C.S. 2024 Reading with the Body, Writing on the Skin: A Case of Blast over with Literature, Illustration, Editing and Tattoo inside in Bakhtiniana 19 (3):e61283
Abstract: Inspired by the concept used in the “tattoo scene” of blast over, which designates the use of spaces between tattoos to add others, without hiding or disguising the previous ones, we propose an exercise of analysis of an artist’s book, Coração com Estrela-do-mar Dentro [Heart with Starfish Inside] by Filipe Homem Fonseca (2019). The concept emerged from one of the pages of the book to become a target of questions of literary reading, from a pragmatic perspective as well. The proposal will follow a route: enter the text through the book-object that gives an important place to the illustration, by death_by_pinscher, remove it from there and then include it again to make the global reading, in order to also enhance the appeal of the potential young reader to the text.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CIDEHUS - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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