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Title: Relating Big Data, Value Creation, Performance and Decision Making: Multiple Case Studies
Authors: Gonçalves, Sidalina
Ventura, José Biléu
Rua, Orlando Lima
Dias, Rui
Galvão, Rosa
Keywords: Big Data
Value Creation
Multiple Case Studies
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Journal of Ecohumanism
Citation: Gonçalves, S., Ventura, J., Rua, O., Dias, R., & Galvão, R. (2024). Relating Big Data, Value Creation, Performance and Decision Making: Multiple Case Studies. Journal of Ecohumanism, 3(6), 1988 – 2017. dot: 10.62754/joe.v3i6.4155
Abstract: This study aimed to understand how big data (BD) contributes to value creation in organisations and provides relevant, integrated, and timely information for the performance measurement/assessment model that supports top-management decision-making. The empirical study employs a qualitative methodology comprising five cases using the multiple-case study method. The data collection instrument was semi-structured interviews, and the MAXQDA software was used to treat and analyse the contents. The results show that BD creates value for organisations with positive effects on performance, namely on results, key indicators and turnover, confirming its contribution with relevant financial and non-financial information. It also highlights its innovative approach since the evidence found can be combined with the balanced scorecard (BSC) to identify the most appropriate and efficient key performance indicators (KPIs) for better organisational performance.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CEFAGE - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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