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Title: Finding Place Attached Meaning: Exploring Layers of Meaning in Familiar Places
Authors: Aleixo, Sofia
Keywords: Arquitectura
Espaço Público
Visual Representations
Cultural Values
European funded projects
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Universidade de Évora
Citation: Aleixo, S. (2024) Finding Place Attached Meaning: Exploring Layers of Meaning in Familiar Places. In: Alegre, L.; Melo, N., Salazar, D. (Eds.) Handbook, Universidade de Évora
Abstract: The PLAY/ACT training course produced this handbook: the result of the work carried out by the students of the PLAY/ACT project, an ERASMUS+ funded project that was developed in 3 semesters with students from ARTERIA_LAB – Universidade de Évora; Universidad de Extremadura. Stakeholders: Dirección General de Universidad; Consejería de Educación; Ciencia y Formación Profesional de la Junta de Extremadura; Materahub; KÉK; and Community Impact. Accessed at the Project Results Platform, that hosts a wealth of information about Erasmus+ projects. Artigo integrado na publicação A Place to Be: The Play/Act Placemaking Handbook síntese de workshops e de acção de ensino e aprendizagem na Universidade de Évora. Procurou-se reflectir sobre o papel da memória na criação do lugar.
Type: other
Appears in Collections:ARQ - Publicações de Carácter Pedagógico
IHC - Publicações de Carácter Pedagógico

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