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Title: Clubfoot and its implications for the locomotion of a medieval skeleton from Estremoz, Portugal
Authors: Curto, Ana
Fernandes, Teresa
Keywords: Congenital anomaly
Talipes varus
Foot deformity
Degenerative changes
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Clubfoot and its implications for the locomotion of a medieval skeleton from Estremoz, Portugal. International Journal of Paleopathology 38:13-17.
Abstract: Objective This study describes foot bone anomalies and the degenerative changes associated with locomotion adaptations. Materials An adult male (approximately 29–46 years old) from Estremoz, Portugal (13th–15th century). Methods The skeletal anomalies observed in this skeleton were described and measurements were compared between both sides of the individual and with the mean of the adult males from the same collection. Results The most anomalous bones are the right medial cuneiform and metatarsals. Degenerative changes are more severe on the left lower limb and right upper limb. Conclusions This skeleton represents a unilateral case of talipes varus of the right foot, with the metatarsals being more affected while previously published cases show more severe anomalies of the hindfoot. The degenerative changes observed in the skeleton suggest that both legs and arms, aided by crutches, were used for locomotion. Significance This case shows that club foot skeletal anomalies are variable and the pattern of bony changes throughout the body can reveal locomotion adaptations. Limitations The possibility of a genetic cause cannot be assessed due to the absence of paleogenomic data. Suggestions for further research Since the anomalies found in this case are different than those previously published, we recommend care when analysing foot bones.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:HERCULES - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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