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Title: Science CHANGing Policy Conference
Authors: Filipe, Susana
Branquinho, Cristina
Alegria, Carla
Oliveira, Rubén
Couto, Nazaré
Pedroso, Nuno
Eufrázio, Sofia
Gomes, Luis
Keywords: public policies
Food and Biomass
Natural Resources
Circular Economy
Associate Lab CHANGE
Territorial cohesion
Issue Date: 2-Jun-2023
Publisher: Universidade de Évora
Citation: Science CHANGing Policy Conference Proceedings, edited by University of Évora (2023)
Abstract: The world faces a series of different global changes, which are complex in nature and require urgent action from Academia, Public and Private Organizations and Governments. The Institute for Global Change and Sustainability, Associated Laboratory CHANGE, integrates researchers from multidisciplinary areas of expertise that shall enable the development of appropriate solutions targeting the present and future environment and natural resources management, forestry and farming systems, energy and climate, as well as demographic and social challenges. The Mission of CHANGE is the development of scientifically supported solutions for public policy and governance targeting an environmentally friendly, resource-efficient, and competitive economy, in the context of existent global changes. These should be innovative and up-to-date policies, implemented at multiple scales. For fulfilling this Mission, the integration of knowledge, synergies and complementary aspects of the research undertaken within the three R&D units, CENSE, cE3c and MED, is fundamental. Innovative solutions for a changing world require often interdisciplinary approaches and combinations of knowledge not seen before. Therefore, we believe that exchange and networking, within the CHANGE community itself, is key in strengthening our skills and competences, and our capacity to respond to changing societal challenges. The event Science CHANGing Policy was a showcase of CHANGE capabilities and a platform to boost the interaction and collaborative work between the researchers from CHANGE. This event included past, present and future work covering the areas of biodiversity and ecosystem services restoration, promotion of sustainable food and biomass systems, preservation and restoration of natural resources, circular economy and energetic transition and territorial cohesion enhancement.
Type: conferenceObject
Appears in Collections:MED - Organização de Seminários e Conferências

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