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Title: Does largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) have a season to be consumed?
Authors: Almeida, Marta
Jorge, André
Machado, Maria
Alexandre, Carlos M.
Almeida, Pedro R.
Lança, M.J.
Keywords: achigã
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Editora Atena
Citation: Almeida, M., Jorge, A., Machado, M.G., Alexandre, C.M., Almeida, P.R., Lança, M.J. 2023. Does largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) have a season to be consumed? A study on Póvoa e Meadas reservoir, Alentejo, Portugal in Zootecnia: desafios e tendências da ciência e tecnologia 2 (Santo, N.S., ED.). Editora Atena, Paraná, Brasil. ISBN 978-65-258-1436-0. DOI:
Abstract: Introduced in the second half of the 20th century in Portugal, the largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) can currently be found in most of the lakes and reservoirs of Southern Europe, being an invasive species in Portugal and other Mediterranean regions. Increasingly in Portugal, the largemouth bass is one of the most sought-after species for recreational fishing activities and a species with the potential to boost the interior regions of the Alentejo. Currently, this species is already described as a regional gastronomic cultural landmark. In this way, the interest of sport fishmen for the species plus the nutritional profile of the edible muscle of largemouth bass could promote the interest of sport fishermen in capturing exotic species, which could contribute to a correct management of reservoirs, aiming at a better balance between native and exotic species. As the complexity of the lipid profile of fish species is highly influenced by 3 major parameters such as genetics (species, stage of development in the life cycle); environment (type of environment, water temperature, salinity) and diet and food availability, the study characterized the nutritional profile of the edible part of the largemouth bass in two seasons: winter and summer, when major differences occur at the environmental level and in the food availability. Forty animals were captured, divided between winter and summer, from Póvoas e Meadas reservoir. It was found that the season significantly influenced the lipid and protein profile of largemouth bass edible muscle. The results obtained revealed that the edible part presents nutritional quality in terms of these profiles. However, its nutritional composition in the summer may prove to be a less healthy practice, as its profile revealed alterations in terms of the main groups of lipids analyzed.
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:MARE-UE - Publicações - Capítulos de Livros

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