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Title: Continuous Flow Enantioselective Processes Catalysed by Cinchona Alkaloid Derivatives
Authors: Carreiro, Elisabete
Burke, A.J.
Hermann, G.J.
Federsel, H.-J.
Issue Date: 16-Aug-2023
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: Without a doubt, asymmetric catalysis has been significantly enriched by the introduction of cinchona alkaloid derivatives. Moreover, such methods have been further enabled when used in conjunction with continuous flow systems. Besides being used in flow chemistry as organocatalysts, they also have been used as ligands or modifiers of metal catalysts. This has generally been accomplished via their immobilization on heterogeneous supports and incorporation into catalysis-enabling reactors or similar systems. In this minireview we look at the impact that cinchona-based catalysts and analogues have had on the field of continuous flow-chemistry during the last two decades or so.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CQE - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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