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Title: Intergenerational psychological intervention programme - PIN - Exploratory study with children and seniors
Authors: Candeias, Adelinda
Félix, Adriana
Keywords: Inergenaretional Program
psychological intervention
cognitive preservation
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: RIAGE – Revista Ibero-Americana da Gerontologia – Número 4
Citation: Candeias & Félix (2023) Intergenerational psychological intervention programme - PIN - Exploratory study with children and seniors
Abstract: Intergenerational programs involving children and seniors are a form of psychological and social intervention that promote the development of cognitive, linguistic, motor, emotional and social skills and well-being, with significant results and benefits described for both children and seniors, such as intergenerational socialization and increased self- esteem and self-efficacy, intellectual development, increased happiness, and improved quality of life. In Portugal, programmes intervening in the psychological domain are scarce, which justifies our proposal. We present a P-IN Program: Intergenerational Psychological Intervention Program: Cri(activ)age, Health and Well-Being focused on the promotion of creativity, cognitive preservation/development and well-being associated with intergenerational coexistence. The P-IN programme aims to: (i) Promote through an intergenerational psychological intervention, cognitive development/preservation, creativity and well-being, in children (5-6 years) and seniors (+60). (ii) To evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention on cognitive development/preservation, creativity and well-being. This paper presents the conceptual structure of the programme, its organization into three main components: Beliefs and attitudes; Emotions and well-being; Cognitive stimulation and creativity, and its operationalization in 10 90-minute sessions. Finally, we present the evaluation plan of the quality and effectiveness of the programme based on a qualitative methodological approach using semi-structured interviews to the participants (N= 23 children and 18 seniors; professionals= 4). Of the results we highlight: increase in autonomy, self-confidence and social participation in both groups. In specific terms, the increase in the emotional well-being and psychosocial and physical autonomy of the seniors is highlighted.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:DCMS - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica
CHRC - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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