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Title: Geodynamics and deep structure of the variscan fold belt in Iberia
Authors: Ribeiro, António
Silva, J. B.
Dias, Rui
Araújo, Alexandre
Marques, Fernando
Merino, Henrique
Fonseca, Paulo
Editors: Banda, E.
Mendes-Victor, L.
Issue Date: Nov-1988
Publisher: European Science Foundation
Citation: Ribeiro, A.; Silva, J.; Dias, R.; Araújo, A.; Marques, F.; Merino, H.; Fonseca, P. (1988). Geodynamics and deep structure of the variscan fold belt in Iberia, Fifth EGT Workshop: The Iberian Peninsula, European Science Foudation, p 57-64.
Abstract: Geodynamics and deep structure of the variscan fold belt in Iberia
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:GEO - Publicações - Capítulos de Livros

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