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Title: Nautical Stations: catalysts for sustainable tourism development - the case of the Nautical Station of Sines
Authors: Brito, Mónica
Cordeiro, Andreia
Keywords: Nautical Station
Sustainable tourism development
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: IGI Global
Citation: 3. Brito, M. & Cordeiro. A. (2020). Nautical Stations: catalysts for sustainable tourism development - the case of the Nautical Station of Sines. In M. Brito, A. Dias & M. Patuleia (coord.), Managing, Marketing, and Maintaining Maritime and Coastal Tourism. USA: IGI GLOBAL. Tourism (171-186). USA: IGI GLOBAL. ISBN 9781799815228 (hardcover) | ISBN 978179981523 (paperback) | ISBN 9781799815242 (ebook) I DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1522-8.ch010
Abstract: The Nautical Station concept is achieved through the establishment and/or assertion (depending on the extent of maturity) of a tourist destination arranged from maritime products that value, in a unified way, all the resources of a territory (foundation, environment, and sociocultural roots) and all the touristic offer already existing in this regional area. It combines a set of nautical activities that forms the central element of product management, based on a local/regional partnership, according to a set of quality criteria to be defined by the certifying entity, which in the Portuguese case is Forum Oceano – Association of Maritime Economy. This chapter analyzes the development of the certification process of the Portuguese Nautical Stations, the theoretical model that manages it, and its application to reality based on the study case constructed by the Nautical Station of Sines, one of the first 15 certified in Portugal.
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:SOC - Publicações - Capítulos de Livros

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