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Title: “El mundo en los libros de Juan Zozaya: la biografía del arqueólogo tamizada por la reflexión ego-literaria”
Authors: Zozaya-Montes, Maria
Editors: Casa, Carlos de la
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2019
Publisher: Revista Soria
Citation: María Zozaya-Montes, “El mundo en los libros de Juan Zozaya: la biografía del arqueólogo tamizada por la reflexión ego-literaria”, en: Revista Soria. Homenaje a Juan Zozaya (monográfico coordinado por Carlos de la Casa), Soria, ISSN: 0213-9731, 2019 (n.107), pp. 25-39.
Abstract: Transcription and explanation of the conference that the archeologist Juan Zozaya Stabel-Hansen gave in Évora about the books he considered that was essential for his formation during the exile period (1939-1960s; Colombia, USA, Venezuela).This is the transcription with an ego-historical reflection. Also, the context and explanation of Zozaya´s meaning for Medieval Archeology in Portugal in the 1970s, made in the speech by medieval archeologist Fernando Branco. All was recorded on a conference at Évora University in 2016.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CIDEHUS - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Sem Arbitragem Científica

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