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Title: La cerámica en al-Andalus: producción y comercio.
Authors: Gómez Martínez, Susana
Editors: Delgado Pérez, María Mercedes
Pérez-Aguilar, Luis-Gethsemaní
Keywords: Garb al-Andalus
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Ediciones Alfar
Citation: GÓMEZ MARTÍNEZ, Susana (2019) – La cerámica en al-Andalus: producción y comercio. In María Mercedes Delgado Pérez y Luis-Gethsemaní Pérez-Aguilar (dir.) Economía y Trabajo. Las bases materialies de la vida en al-Andalus. Sevilla: Ediciones Alfar, 2019. ISBN 978-84-7898-839-6. Pp. 199-234
Abstract: Pottery was not the most important element of the economy of al-Andalus, but it is the most abundant trace that has come from this time; the only for certain periods and in certain regions. For this reason, it is indispensable to know the dynamics of production, distribution, trade and consumption of manufactured goods. In al-Andalus, the evolution of ceramics was very great in all aspects: technical, formal, ornamental, iconographic, etc. It allows us to define the different production processes that succeed or coexist, the evolution and technological innovation of the craft centers, its location in the main urban centers, and the dynamics and distribution networks trade inside and outside al-Andalus.
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:HIS - Publicações - Capítulos de Livros

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