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Title: Geodynamics of Iberia, supercontinent cycles and metallogenic implications
Authors: Ribeiro, António
Dias, Rui
Mateus, António
Relvas, Jorge
Pinto, Álvaro
Romão, Manuel
Editors: Flores, Deolinda
Keywords: Geodynamic
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: LNEG
Citation: Ribeiro, A., Dias, R., Mateus, A., Relvas, J., Pinto, A. & Romão, J. (2014) - "Geodynamics of Iberia, supercontinent cycles and metallogenic implications". Comunicações Geológicas, LNEG, 101/I, 293-296.
Abstract: The geodynamic evolution of Iberia since Neoproterozoic times illustrates the progression of the two last supercontinent cycles and the probable path to the next one. The Pangaea supercontinent cycle shows features of Hercynian- and Alpine-type orogens both in terms of tectonothermal regime and geometry/kinematics. The combination of inherited and neo-formed components, namely those able to sustain long-lasting and/or recurrent rejuvenation of heat and mass advection in the lithosphere, explain the complexity and singular
Type: article
Appears in Collections:ICT - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Nacionais Sem Arbitragem Científica

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