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Title: The interaction with Alterity in Paul Bowles's "A Distant Episode"
Authors: Gomes, Fernando
Editors: O.Shapiro, Susan
Keywords: Paul Bowles
North Africa
colonialist discourse
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Pennsylvania State University Press
Abstract: "A Distant Episode" expresses some fundamental aspects of Bowles' fiction, particularly the futility of racial interaction and Western vanity in its dialogue with the "other". In this short story, Bowles exposes the tragic effects of confrontation with alterity and the ensuing disintegration of identity. In discussing "A Distant Episode", this article highlights Western presumption in its relationship with the "other", who hides his identity and refuses to be assimilated. The presence of stereotypes from colonialist discourse that interfere with cultural communication and the ineffectiveness of the dialogue between races are also discussed.
ISSN: 1074-164X
Type: article
Appears in Collections:CEL - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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