Repositorio Digital de Publicacoes Cientificas da Universidade de Evora /

Browsing by Author Sousa, Lia

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025Effective Competence in Patient CareSousa, Lia; Neves, José; Araújo, Isabel; Gonçalves, Fernanda; Fdez-Riverola, Florentino; Gonçalves, Raquel; Vicente, Henrique; Lima, Rui
2022Mental Health Literacy: How to Obtain and Maintain Positive Mental HealthSequeira, Carlos; Sampaio, Francisco; Pinho, Lara; Araújo, Odete; Lluch, Teresa; Sousa, Lia
2021A Multi-Valued Logic Assessment of Organizational Performance via Workforce Social NetworkingNeves, José; Fdez-Riverola, Florentino; Alves, Vitor; Ferraz, Filipa; Sousa, Lia; Costa, António; Ribeiro, Jorge; Vicente, Henrique
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3


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