Browsing by Author Bezzeghoud, M
Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2004 | Earthquake Source and Seismic Strain Rate: Portugal in the Context of The Western Part of the Eurasia - Africa Plate Boundary | Borges, JF; Bezzeghoud, M; Fitas, AJS; Buforn, E |
2004 | Focal Mechanism and Rupture Process of 2004 Alhoceima (Morocco, Mw=6.2) Earthquake from Teleseismic and Regional Broad-Band Data. | Buforn, E; Bezzeghoud, M; del Freno, C; Borges, JF; Udias, A; Pro, C |
2011 | Ground Motion Simulations of the SW Iberia Margin: Rupture Directivity and Earth Structure Effects. | Bezzeghoud, M; Borges, J. F.; Caldeira, C |
2010 | Imaging 3D seismic velocity along the seismogenic zone of Algarve region (southern Portugal) | Rocha, J; Bezzeghoud, M; Caldeira, B; Dias, N; Borges, JF; Dorbath, L; Carrilho, F |
2017 | Mastites caprinas: Utilização do Teste Californiano de Mastites. | Grosso, F; Andrade, NPC; Queiroga, Maria Cristina |
Jul-2011 | Ocean energy: exergy analysis and conversion | Miguel, Antonio F.; Aydin, Murat |
2004 | Seismic Source Directivity From Doppler Effect Analysis, Part II: Application To The Zemmouri-Boumerdes (Algeria) Earthquake of May 21st, 2003, Mw=6.8 | Caldeira, B; Bezzeghoud, M; Borges, JF |
2004 | Seismic Source Directivity from Doppler Effect Analysis, Part I: Theory | Caldeira, B; Bezzeghoud, M; Borges, JF |
2010 | Seismo-electromagnetic phenomena in the western part of the Eurasia-Nubia plate boundary | Silva, HG; Bezzeghoud, M; Biagi, P; Rosa, RN; Silva, MS; Caldeira, B; Reis, AH; Borges, JF; Tlemçani, M; Manso, M |
2010 | Source rupture process, directivity and and Coulomb stress change of the 12 January 2010 (Port-au-Prince Haiti, Mw7.0) earthquake | Borges, JF; Caldeira, B; Bezzeghoud, M |
2010 | Source
and Coulomb
| Borges, JF; Caldeira, B; Bezzeghoud, M; Santos, Ruben |
2006 | Strong ground motion in southern Portugal due to the 1755 Lisbon earthquake | Grandin, R; Borges, JF; Caldeira, B; Bezzeghoud, M |
2005 | The magnitude 9.0 Sumatra (Indonesia) mega-earthquake of 26 December 2004 | Borges, JF; Caldeira, B; Bezzeghoud, M |
2004 | The Zemmouri-Boumerdes Earthquake of May 21st, 2003, Mw=6.8: Source Parameters and Rupture Propagation Study from Teleseismic Data. | Bezzeghoud, M; Caldeira, B; Borges, JF; Buforn, E; Maouche, F; Ousadou, A; Khrroubi, A; Harbi, A; Ayadi, A |
2017 | Utilização de própolis como alternativa no controlo de mastites para garantir a qualidade do leite e proteção da saúde pública. | Andrade, NPC; Costa, MM; Laranjo, M; Queiroga, Maria Cristina |
2010 | Validation of Velocity the Lower Tagus Valley (Portugal) velocity model using H/V technique | Furtado, A; Borges, JF; Bezzeghoud, M; Caldeira, B |
Showing results 1 to 16 of 16