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Title: Carbon-Based Hybrid Supercapacitors for high Power Photovoltaic Irrigation
Authors: Horta, Márcia
Fialho, Luis
Foles, Ana
Horta, Pedro
Keywords: pumping system
solar photovoltaic
energy storage
hybrid supercapacitors
solar power intermittency
Issue Date: Sep-2023
Publisher: European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
Abstract: A photovoltaic pumping system comprises the following components: a solar photovoltaic (PV) installation, a variable frequency converter, a motor-pump, and a water source. The application combines solar PV technology, hydraulic engineering, and high-efficiency water management techniques to optimize irrigated farming. In the last decades, a growing trend has been observed in the application of renewable energies, which depend on the weather and daily conditions. In the case of cloud passing periods, the generation of energy by the photovoltaic system is drastically reduced, which will affect the overall general operation of the system. To better account for the considered operating parameters of a high-power PV pumping system, dedicated control algorithms have been developed in recent years [1], with the aim of mitigating solar power intermittency. One of the options that can be considered to avoid the sudden change in power generated by the solar PV system is to integrate an energy storage system that could accommodate those changes. In this way, carbon-based hybrid supercapacitors (HSupercap) represent the opportunity to solve this issue with a cost effective and long-lasting energy storage system, controlling PV power ramp rate, improving its overall lifetime. The HSupercap [2] was installed, configured, and tested to characterize it and assess this integration possibility. The tested system presented overall performance characteristics suitable for its application in high power photovoltaic pumping or irrigation.
Type: lecture
Appears in Collections:CI-ER - Comunicações - Em Congressos Científicos Internacionais

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