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Title: Quark Mass Function from an OGE-type Interaction in Minkowski Space
Authors: Biernat, Elmar P.
Gross, Franz
Peña, M. T.
Stadler, Alfred
Leitão, Sofia
Keywords: Quark mass function
Covariant Spectator Theory
One-gluon-exchange interaction
Minkowski space
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
Citation: Elmar P. Biernat, Franz Gross, M.T. Peña, Alfred Stadler, Sofia Leitão, “Quark Mass Function from an OGE-type Interaction in Minkowski Space”, Acta Phys. Polon. B, Proc. Suppl. Vol. 14, 9 (2021).
Abstract: We present results for the quark mass function in Minkowski space calculated from an interaction kernel that consists of an effective one-gluon-exchange and a constant interaction. We analyze the gauge dependence of our results and compare them in the spacelike region to the available lattice QCD data.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:FIS - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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