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Title: Modificación de conducta en la educación especial: Diagnóstico y programas
Authors: Galindo, Edgar
Galguera, Maria Isabel
Taracena, Elvia
Hinojosa, Guillermo
Editors: Trillas
Keywords: Applied Behavior Analysis
Special Education
Intellectual discapacity
exceptional children
applied pschology
SEN children
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Editorial Trillas
Citation: Galindo, E., Galguera, M.I., Taracena E., & Hinojosa, G. (2013) Modificación de conducta en la educación especial: Diagnóstico y programas (4a.ed.) México: Editorial Trillas.
Abstract: Behavioral procedures for diagnostic and training of persons with intellectual disability. Applied programs.
ISBN: 978-607-17-0073-5
Type: book
Appears in Collections:PSI - Publicações - Livros

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