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Title: Reporturile dintre Psihologie si Diplomatie.
Authors: Galindo, Edgar
Keywords: Political Psychology
Psychology and Diplomacy
International Relations
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Curtea Veche Publishing
Citation: Galindo, E. (2008). Reporturile dintre Psihologie si Diplomatie. In L. Betea e A. Dorna (eds.), Psihologia politica (pp. 390-433). Bucarest: Curtea Veche Publishing, 2008.
Abstract: An analyisis of the diplomatic work and the contribution of Psychology for understanding his problems and achieving his tasks. Análisis del quehacer el diplomático y de la contribución de la psicología para comprender sus problemas y realizar sus tareas.
Other Identifiers: 978-973-669-590-2
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:PSI - Publicações - Capítulos de Livros

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