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Title: Estudiando al profesor. El caso de Sandalio de Pereda en el Instituto San Isidro de Madrid (1822- 1886)
Authors: Zozaya-Montes, Maria
Editors: López-Ocón, Leoncio
Aragón, Santiago
Pedrazuela, Mario
Keywords: Secondary school, High School
History of teachers
Science teaching
Private sphere
Public practices
Issue Date: 2012
Citation: Zozaya, María "Estudiando al profesor. El caso de Sandalio de Pereda en el Instituto San Isidro de Madrid (1822- 1886)", en: López-Ocón, L. Aragón, S.; Pedrazuela, M. (Eds), en: Aulas con memoria. Ciencia, educación y patrimonio en los institutos históricos madrileños (1837-1936). Madrid: Doce Calles, 2012; pp. 189-207. ISBN: 978-84-9744-131-5.
Abstract: This study analyzes the professional and private life of Sandalio de Pereda. He was a science teacher on the main significant secondary school of Spain in the XIXth Century, San Isidro High School, very connected to the Central University. The career of Doctor Sandalio gives us many historical lights about the relevance of the private attitudes towards the public practices in the high school and the profession of teaching sciences between 1830 and 1930.
ISBN: 978-84-9744-131-5
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:CIDEHUS - Publicações - Capítulos de Livros

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