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Title: On some of the consequences of being possible to call early elections
Authors: Caleiro, António
Keywords: Early Elections
Median Voter
Partisan Policies
Issue Date: 2005
Citation: Caleiro, A. (2005), On some of the consequences of being possible to call early elections , Documento de Trabalho nº 2005/04, Universidade de Évora, Departamento de Economia.
Abstract: This note presents some of the consequences due to the possibility of having early elections. First of all, elections, whether exogenously or endogenously determined, are relevant to challenge the well known neutrality principle of economic policies under rational expectations. Furthermore, in the particular case of being possible to admit early elections, the electoral advantages of right-wing parties in relation to left-wing parties suffer a diminishment.
Type: workingPaper
Appears in Collections:ECN - Working Papers (RePEc)

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