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Title: Improving Motor Competence of Children: The “Super Quinas” Intervention Program in Portuguese Primary Schools
Authors: Rodrigues, Luis Paulo
Cordovil, Rita
Costa, Julio
Seabra, André
Guilherme, José
Vale, Susana
Luz, Carlos
Flôres, Fábio
Lagoa, Maria João
Almeida, Gabriela
Lopes, Vítor
Mercê, Cristiana
Esteves, Pedro
Correia, Vanda
Serrano, João
Mendes, Rui
Matos, Rui
Loureiro, Vânia
Neto, Carlos
Keywords: physical education
motor development
sports interventions
public health
Issue Date: 27-Jan-2025
Publisher: Journal of Physical Activity and Health
Citation: Rodrigues, L. P., Cordovil, R., Costa, J. A., Seabra, A., Guilherme, J., Vale, S., Luz, C., Flôres, F., João Lagoa, M., Almeida, G., Lopes, V. P., Mercê, C., Esteves, P. T., Santos, S., Correia, V., Serrano, J., Mendes, R., Matos, R., Loureiro, V., Neto, C., & MCA Research Team. (2025). Improving Motor Competence of Children: The “Super Quinas” Intervention Program in Portuguese Primary Schools. Journal of Physical Activity and Health (published online ahead of print 2025). Retrieved Jan 27, 2025, from
Abstract: Objectives: The objective of this study was to describe the effects of an extra hour of a structured motor program on the motor competence (MC) of children 6–10 years old.. Design: The need for movement interventions to enhance MC among school-aged children has gained vital importance in the last years, given the negative secular trends reported. Hence, the Portuguese Football Federation organized an intervention program on MC to be implemented on the extracurricular time of the Portuguese primary schools: the Super Quinas program. Methods: Thirty-nine schools from all of Portugal were assigned to intervention and control condition, with a total of 1034 children (6–10 y old) completing all the program (77.7%). The Super Quinas intervention comprised of 1 hour of activity per week, led by a physical educator teacher during extracurricular activities for 12 wees. MC was assessed using the Motor Competence Assessment (MCA) before and at the end of the program (January and April 2023). Normative results of the MCA were used to compare changes between pre and posttest according to experimental or control condition. Results: Results showed a general improvement (P ≤ .001) for all subscales (Locomotor, Manipulative, Stability) and total MCA. More importantly, the experimental group showed significant and positive differences, when compared with the control group, in the Stability (P = .007), Manipulative (P = .015), and total MCA results (P = .018) after controlling for gender, age, and baseline effect. Conclusions: The Super Quinas intervention program proved that adding 1 hour of structured movement program to the regular primary school schedule can lead to greater development of MC in school-age children.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:PED - Publicações - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais Com Arbitragem Científica

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