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Title: Creative Thinking Misunderstandings Versus Facts
Authors: Carvalho, Ana
Keywords: creative thinking
creative thinking limitations
creative thinking misunderstandings
creative thinking myths
creative thinking facts
creative confidence
museum sector
digital skills
museums and creativity
museus e criatividade
museum professionals
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Project Mu.SA – Museum Sector Alliance and ICOM Portugal
Citation: Carvalho, Ana. 2020. “Creative Thinking Misunderstandings Versus Facts.” In MOOC Essential Digital Skills for Museum Professionals. Module Creative Thinking Skills, W.4.3.2.A, pp. 1-8. Project Mu.SA – Museum Sector Alliance and ICOM Portugal.
Abstract: Creative thinking is likely to be one of the essential skills for the 21st Century, not just for museum professionals but also for professionals across all areas of our society. As society changes, an array of new technologies and practices emerge, which require flexibility and improvisation from museums and museum professionals. Creative thinking is one of the skills that are crucial to adapt and respond more effectively to changing realities, whether in digital or non-digital environments. This learning object introduces learners to some of the popular perceptions that limitate creative thinking or slow down the creative process along with the facts that prove otherwise. This learning object is part of the module “Creative Thinking Skills” of the MOOC “Essential Digital Skills for Museum Professionals” developed by Project Mu.SA – Museum Sector Alliance (575907-EEP-1-2016-1-EL-EPPKA2-SSA).
Type: other
Appears in Collections:CIDEHUS - Publicações de Carácter Pedagógico

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