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Title: Application of resinous binders with incorporation of carbonated sludges from the dimension stone industry in the production of stone composites
Authors: Afonso, Paula
Azzalini, António
Lopes, Luís
Faria, Paula
Mourão, Paulo
Martins, Ruben
Pires, Vera
Editors: Lopes, Luís
Keywords: sludge
Issue Date: 26-Jun-2023
Publisher: Universidade de Évora
Citation: P. Afonso, A. Azzalini, L. Lopes, P. Faria, P. Mourão, R. Martins, V. Pires. 2023. Application of resinous binders with incorporation of carbonated sludges from the dimension stone industry in the production of stone composites. In: Lopes. L.; Peres, M; Marques, C. (Editores). Atas no VII Global Stone Congress. Batalha - Portugal, June 18 – 23, pp. 396-401 Universidade de Évora. 439p. I.S.B.N.: 978-972-778-327-4.
Abstract: The main objective of the Calcinata Project - Production of lime-based mortar from the calcination of carbonated sludge from the ornamental stone industry (marbles and limestone), was to present an alternative use for waste (slurries) from cutting and polishing carbonated ornamental rocks . The industrial application of this waste makes it possible to add value, transforming it into a by-product, thus contributing to the framing of the limestone and marble extractive and processing sub-sectors, in the “Action Plan for the Circular Economy”, promoting the sustainable growth. This research showed that recycling slurries has relevant potential since they can be used as a raw material integrated in binders production used in the manufacture of ornamental stone composites materials partial or totally replacing the epoxy resins traditionally used in this type of products.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:GEO - Artigos em Livros de Actas/Proceedings

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